Anyone who knows me knows I am a certifed Cirque-a-holic and so the thought of getting paid not only by the local paper but by Cirque as well to come in and shoot was kind of like getting my ultimate dream job.
First they flew me to Edmonton to shoot the show there, and then they asked me to come back and shoot for them again in Kelowna last night. YIPEEE!!!!
The show is fantastic and if anyone is fence sitting on whether or not to buy tickets, my suggestion would be DEFINITELY go. I bought my own tickets to take my kids the day they went on sale, not knowing I would have already seen the show twice before our ticket date, but honestly I just can't wait to see the show again - especially as I will get to just sit back and watch with both eyes.
One of the shots they wanted goes on the cover of the Kamloops This Week that comes out Friday, here's the link: http://www.bclocalnews.com/bc_thompson_nicola/kamloopsthisweek/news/101594298.html
Fabulous, Glenna. I'm so enjoying your blog! xox Claire