Normally I am asked to come and shoot the dress rehearsal for Ballet Kelowna, which is almost like having my own private showing. It is truly amazing to watch these dancers in action.
For the past year or so, they have also requested that I shoot from the wings during the shows as well. The results are nothing short of spectacular and offer an intimacy that gets lost from shooting head on.
I love the contrast of these two shots from The Miracle Worker. The cast was simply fantastic, and the lighting was a photographer's nightmare in many places, being very dark and shifting in and out of spotlights. You simply cannot trust your light meter when shooting theatre and have to always go with your gut and just keep checking to make sure you've got it dialed in right.
Big kudos to Patricia Burns and Emma Magirescu who played Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan.
Busy Spring with theatre shoots, ballet shoots, rugby games and grad season. Wedding season starting too so I will try to be more diligent about posting.
For now, though, just love this one I snapped for a KSS grad, posing with her little sister. Love the smurf-like coloured hair!